Version 4.6.92 SkyWood (28th April 2015)
- Added a fix for PHP version < 5.3 which appeared in version 4.6.91
Version 4.6.91 SkyWood (28th April 2015)
- Fixed a very low risk vulnerability to stay on par with security standards: More info on the envato blog:
Version 4.6.9 SkyWood (16th April 2015)
- Fixed wrong ajax action: update_slider occuring in 4.6.8
Version 4.6.8 SkyWood (15th April 2015)
- This update is a preparation for version 5.0
- Fixed Vimeo Event Video Playing which was not triggered
- Fixed Parallax issues where Mouse was already hovering on Slider at load, parallax was not working
- Fixed Parallax "Not clickable" Layers
- Fixed Firefox Half cut images during the Animation sequences
Version 4.6.5 SkyWood (2nd December 2014)
- Fixed Compatibility of Sandboxed GreenSock engine
- Fixed Compatibility issues with W3C Total Cache Minifying engine
- Fixed Static Layer Disappearing Issue
- Fixed Lazy Loading and Preloading issues (Distorted images in FireFox)
Version 4.6.4 SkyWood (27th November 2014)
- Added option to show only the Preview Image of a video on mobile, disabling the video
- Min. Height now gone if Fullscreen is selected
- Fixed an issue where the Parallax Effect if Mouse already hovered on the Slider in Firefox was not working well
- Fixed an issue where exports can have wrong styles in it
- Fixed Firefox HTML5 Video Playback
- Fixed Thumbnail Vertical Offset Positions in Resized Screens
Version 4.6.3 SkyWood (21th October 2014)
- Fixed an issue where the Slide Link was not working correctly
Version 4.6.2 SkyWood (18th October 2014)
- Added "revkill" as method to remove the Slider from the page silently if needed
- Added "slideatend" event that triggers if the slide is at the end
- Changed import function for compatibility with some Windows Server machines (thanks to ThemeFuzz)
- Improved Slider import function for theme authors to make it more easy to insert demo slider through scripts
- Added scripts so that a Slider can be loaded in Essential Grid at Ajax loading (Essential Grid version 1.5 or later needed)
- Added new Custom Controls for HTML5 Video Player to avoid Chrome "unclickable" buttons issue
- Added Rotating Loop Animation on Layers
- Spinner can now be disabled in the Slider Settings
- New fallback options for iOS4 and IE8 added in the Slider Settings (Alternative Image and/or simplyfied output)
- Added option to redraw Slider on browser tab focus
- More changes on exporting Sliders for further compatibility
- Activating the plugin a second time will now no longer add default fonts again
- Saving CSS / a new CSS class through the style editor will now sanitize the classname
- Setting the single slide setting in the Slide Editor to off will now set the values Arrows Type and Bullets Type to none
- Improved minifying support
- Easy auto settings for single loop option
- Videos on mobile devices available again
- Minimized the styling output
- Improved output validation (style attribute scoped)
- Changed backend icon of static layers to avoid confusion
- Removed console=1 from the YouTube default settings (only works for new added YouTube video layers)
- Google Fonts will no longer be inserted after multiple plugin activation/deactivation
- Improved compatibility with databases
- Enabled unlimited speed parameter
- WPML Slides will now be exported properly and can be imported again
- Improved the size and style handling of Layers in Slide Editor (resizing, rotating and lost values of parameters)
- IE8 - line height "auto" broke the fullscreen slider. In case "auto" is set, the font size +4px will be calculated for line height
- z-index bug for first layer in case dotted overlay exists fixed
- SSL compatibility with Vimeo videos in the backend added
- Chrome's max-width fallback from % to px. Slides accepting now only px values!
- Transition speed had no influence on real transitions
- Max transition can now have the same value as the max delay of the Slide
- Fixed missing Box Slide, Paper Cut and Box Fade transitions
- Further export compatibility for multisites
- Fix of Lists in Captions - Formatting and Display issues
- Link to Another Slide in Random Mode Bug linked to the wrong Slide Bug is fixed
- Undefined poster image on HTML5 videos fixed
- Fixed Vimeo/YouTube timings (delaying issues)
- Fixed KenBurn dotted overlay
- Fixed problem with loop animations
- Fixed navigation style issues
- Fixed Pan Zoom for mobile issues
- Fixed a bug where videos restarted on resize
- Fixed HTML5 video markup output
- Fixed a bug where hide slider on mobile did not work on certain devices
- Fixed a bug with speed parameters
- Fixed a bug where caption naming in layers list was not updating anymore
- Further IE8 compatibility by changing CSS styles
- Fixed boxfade and boxslide animations
- Fixed a bug where the first layer z-index was always placed behind the dotted overlay
- SSL compatibility with Vimeo API in the backend added
Version 4.6 SkyWood (25th August 2014)
- Option to disable each video on mobile
- Option to disable Pan Zoom on Mobile
- Option to disable Parallax on Mobile
- Randomized Animation from the Selected Animations available now
- New Offset option for the Scroll Below Function
- New Option to set Slider Min Height - Content will be vertical centered in case content container is smaller then min height of Slider
- New Loop Options for HTML5 Videos: none, loop and stop Slider Timer or Loop till Progress Bar reaches the End
- Alternative First Slide wins now, even if Random Slides is enabled
- Vimeo, YouTube and HTML5 Video can be added now via options on demand instead of preadding iFrames. This will avoid Preloads delays, and slow site loadings
- Using now tp-videolayer class for Videos to identificate Video Layers better
- Class "current-sr-slide-visible" added to the Slide "li" tag which is currently Visible
- Swipe Engine Change
- Swipe Treshold Option Default 75 - The number of pixels that the user must move their finger by before it is considered a swipe.
- Swipe Min Finger Default 1 - Min Finger (touch) used for swipe
- Drag Block Vertical Default false - Scroll Auto below Slider on Vertical Swipe on Slider
- YouTube Force Rewind fix
- YouTube Mute in Second Loop fix
- Added backwards compatibility for inline CSS with WordPress versions under 3.7
- Ken Burns Dotted Overlay was not visible
- IE8 Console Group Issue - Slider was not visible in IE8
- Looping Issues if Slides has been manually hanged after Loop Stopped
- Browser Tab Change -> Broken ELements fixed. Option for Slide Change on Blur Tab / Browser also available.
- Navigation Style Preview1- Preview4 Styling issues
- Power2 Error at some Animation
- Mouse Over on Loaded PArallax Slider issue - Slider will always play parallax effect, even if Mouse was already hovering the slider at laod
- IE8 and other Old MObile Devices Fall Back on simple Transitions. CAn be forced now
- HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo Video Playback fixes
Version 4.5.96 SkyWood (24th July 2014)
- Parallax Mouse Hover acting only in Horizontal Direction if Parallax Scroll is defined
Version 4.5.95 SkyWood (16th July 2014)
- Changed Animation Engine, improved Animation technology. Reduced file size, and added Timeline based transitions
- Fixed Flickering effects on mobile devices
- Fixed stuttering on animation with many layers
- Fixed Ken Burn animation failures after few Transition types
- Added Safari 3d Back to Transitions
- Fixed some broken Slide Transitions
- Fixed IE8 transition failres, fall back always on Fade
Version 4.5.9 SkyWood (7th July 2014)
- Drag and Rotate the Layer Content to set a 2D Rotation per element
- Drag and Resize Elements, images, Contents for better text breaks, and more flexibility
- Now also Split Animated Text content can be Rotated
- Added feature to allow Looped Animation and Rotated Content
- Reenabled Link ID, Class, Title and Rel in Slide Editor
- Fixed Vimeo First Auto Play issue
- Fixed unseletable elements in Locked Mode
- Fixed Output Failure if Rotated and Looped Animation has been selected
- Various Bug fix in Drag And Drop Editor
- Fix of Background Image if Screen size less Then Grid Width, postion of Elements and BG backend and frontend looked different
- Various Fixes for Mobile Styling. Broken Transitions, bad performance on Mobile devices
- Bug with Rotated Layers on Backend fixed
- Bug with MAx Width and Max Height of elements was not visible in Backend
- White Space Bugs - Backend was not displaying settings of White Spaces
- Ken Burn Images on backend was distorted if Window has been resized
Version 4.5.8 SkyWood (4th July 2014)
- Reenabled Link ID, Class, Title and Rel in Slide Editor
Version 4.5.7 SkyWood (2nd July 2014)
- New Options in Global Settings, like Disable/Enable Hammer.js Plugin
- New Developer Option to Disable via the theme the Hammer.js Plugin (Avada Requests)
- Minimized Style Output in the Document, only used Layer Styles are really loaded
- Changed the Aq_Resize name to prevend conflicts with other themes that also use it and modified code in it
- Updated GreenSock Engine to 12.1
- Protected Mode for GreenSock for ThemePunch Plugins added. No more conflict between any other plugins / themes and ThemePunch Tools
- Lag Smoothing Enabled
- Bug fixed where Parallax Mode for Mobile Disabled breaks the 2nd and further Slider Positions
Version 4.5.6 SkyWood (25th June 2014)
- Added missing fonts from Punch Fonts into the CSS Editor Font Family dropdown
- Fullscreen Layout Without Offset Heights got the Wrong Height
Version 4.5.5 SkyWood (24th June 2014)
- Option to disable parallax on mobile added
- Option to add an offset in px or % to FullScreen Slider
- Two new Slide transitions: Parallax Vertical and Parallax Horizontal
- Export Slider into HTML. Option availble first when Feature enabled under Global Settings
- Static Layers now have to be enable in each Slider for usage (can be found in General Settings tab)
- onChange Event delivers the Slide Index and the Slide jQuery Object now
- Global option JavaScript into footer now also adds the revslider calls into the footer
- Lazy Loading bug in combination with Static Layers fixed
- "Hide Slider Under" option did not redraw the Layers after Resize. Bug is fixed
- YouTube Video Bug with Overlay Image on Mobile Devices.
- IE8 and IE9 Slide Link Bug Fixed
- Output Filters Protection fix for "By Compressing Output"
Version 4.5.4 SkyWood (16th June 2014)
- Static Layers added. Can be found under Slide List (new button called "Edit Static Layers")
- Possibility added to insert id, class, attr and i.e. own data attributes to each specific Slide
- Inline CSS compressed/minimized now in output
- Layers sometimes not fading out fixed
Version 4.5.3 SkyWood (12th June 2014)
- IE jQuery bugfix
- Responsive Through All Levels fixed where checkbox would be always checked on each element after reload of Slide Editor
Version 4.5.2 SkyWood (10th June 2014)
- data-parallaxoffset attribute is now available and updated on Scroll. This value can be interesting for Developers to read current Parallax Offsets of the elements with the jQuery selector .tp-parallax-container (Possible usage for Blur, Fade, Rotation effects based on the values)
- Thumbnail is not Showing has been fixed
- Choosen Global Settings now correctly set again
- Shortcode dropdown selector will now insert the right shortcode
- Auto Play only First Time on Videos (YouTube and Vimeo) did not work well.
- Imported layers will be stripped of slashes now
Version 4.5.01 SkyWood (06th June 2014)
- Fixed a bug where new Slider & Template Slider button is missing
Version 4.5.0 SkyWood (05th June 2014)
- Improved Backend Functionality
- Added a timeline based editor for better & easier handling of layer times
- Loop Effect now available. Choose between four loop types for each layer in the Slide Editor under "Layer Animations"
- Parallax Effect now available. Enable it in Slider Settings in the Parallax Tab and set your desired level of each layer in Slide Settings
- Parallax on Mouse Movement Added
- Parallax on Scroll Added with Background fixed or Scrolled Options
- PArallax on Mobile Device Tilt
- qTranslate is now supported in layers
- Added filter hook called 'revslider_get_posts' that can be used to manipulate the WP_Query array
- New Grid/Snap functionality in Slide Editor for better positioning of elements
- Punch Fonts are now included. This should now be used if google fonts need to be loaded through the Slider Revolution plugin
- Option added to not load the Slider on Mobile devices
- 2D rotation options added to layers in Slide Editor
- New navigation types called preview1, preview2, preview3, preview4 and custom
- Custom CSS and JavaScript can now be added directly in each Slider
- Placeholder of Slider at Page load will be auto generated. No more Jump Vertically during Slider is loading
- Added Performance Boost optional, where Outgoing Layers first animated before next slide is played. Helps if many layers added to one Slide
- Reburn of Pan Zoom Effect on FullScreen, FullWidth and Boxed layout with a complete new Engine
- Check if more then one instance of Slider Revolution exists.
- Added support for spaces in putRevSlider("newslider2014","2,10") like putRevSlider("newslider2014","2, homepage")
- Added check if hammer.js is already included
- Added allowfullscreen="true" into YouTube video iFrame output
- Using now Aqua Resizer for thumbnail generation
- Pagination added to the Slide Overview page
- Added Sorting of Slides based on names or Shortcode in Slider Overview page
- Video ID of YouTube and Vimeo can now be changed on editing a layer
- Added notification on post based slider if the template slider does not have any slides created
- Removed the JavaScript inside of the href attribute of buttons from the Slide Editor
- Fixed a bug where Template Sliders would change to normal Sliders
- Fixed a bug where layer positions in slide editor where not correctly calculated if the layer had a padding or margin.
- white-space and max-width/max-height are now correctly shown in Slide Editor
- Fix for importing where \n was translated to n
- Visible Last slide at Loading fixed
- Visible Navigation Elements on Load fixed
Version 4.3.8 SkyWood (27th April 2014)
- BugFix for Shortcode Selector in WordPress 3.9 that happens on toggle between text & visual button
- added px to height css in fullwidth Sliders
Version 4.3.7 SkyWood (17th April 2014)
- Select ShortCodes are now back in Posts on WordPress 3.9
- Ken Burns Dobble Start after changing the slide
Version 4.3.6 SkyWood (14th April 2014)
- Ken Burns and Pan Zoom Effect Engine Change. Animation based on Img rotations and Zooms, Transitions instead of Background animation. Due this change the Aniamtions become really Smooth and Clean.
- Fixed some compability issues with custom captions
Version 4.3.5 SkyWood (09th April 2014)
- Decreased Loading Time of Styles due loading styles Inline in Header (based on WordPress Best Practices)
- Fixed Click and Taps bugs on Elements in Slider viewing Slider in Mobile Devices
- Fixed Positions of Videos after leaving Fullscreen Video Playback
- Fixed Element Transitions by clicking Next/previous Slider before Elements has been shown. Currently Not Visible Elements will not show up suddenly any more.
Version 4.3.4 SkyWood (07th April 2014)
- Changed Backend Style of Style Editor
- Added Swipe Up & Down to scroll below or above the slider on Mobile Devices
- Fixed Color Picker in Backend Editor
Version 4.3.3 SkyWood (27th March 2014)
- Changed the validation process to meet the envato requirements
- KenBurn effect "End Position" fix if percentage is choosen
Version 4.3.2 SkyWood (25th March 2014)
- Added Option keyboardNavigation to allow Navigation with left/right arrows
- Removed video-js plugin and added Browser Native HTML5 Video Player
- Added stripslashes to the import process to the layers
- Added multisite custom css fix
- Fixed HTML5 Video Loading issues
- Fixed Android Device Swipe Feature
Version 4.3.1 SkyWood (21th March 2014)
- Changed the activation text
- Fix for Thumbnail generating on some installations
Version 4.3 SkyWood (18th March 2014)
- Fix if Slider does not load after Touch Option is Disabled
- MultiSite export fix on some installations.
Version 4.2.7 SkyWood (18th March 2014)
- Added Options like Swipe Velocity, Swipe Min/Max Touches
- Added Drag Block Vertical option to prevent verticall scroll if needed. Default (false)
- BugFix for FireFox Timer Line - Visibilty of Timer was ignored in Firefox and IE
- BugFix for checking for new updates
- BugFix for event manager, dates will now be correctly translated if they are not english
Version 4.2.6 SkyWood (17th March 2014)
- New Slider Setting option: Hide Mobile Nav After in Mobile Visibility Tab
- Calculation of forceFullScreenAlign Positions. Resized Positions are More exact
- Replacement of rel=0 in youtube video layer disabled
- Added Hide Slider under "window width" for all type of Slider Layouts. Slider is stopped / started depends on the Window size also
- Hide Timer Bug has been fixed
- Small multisite export/import adjustments
- Small general export/import adjustments
- Missing static-captions.css text in console on slider preview removed
- YouTube: Hide Controls do now work
- YouTube/Vimeo allow now to insert direct URL or ID
- YouTube rel=0 fix
- YouTube iOS Fix for Replaying videos on 2nd Call
- StopOnHover set to 1 Bug has been fixed
- Backend Speed improvements on some hosters
Version 4.2.5 SkyWood (12th March 2014)
- Slide Link zIndex issues and Slide Link Resizing issues fixed
- Individual Slide Timer has been fixed. Broken since version 4.2.4
Version 4.2.4 SkyWood (10th March 2014)
- Updated Russian Translation / Language Pack
- Improved Plugin Processes, Removed Script Intervals and Timers for Better CPU Management (30-50% less CPU Usage)
Version 4.2.3 SkyWood (3th March 2014)
- BugFix in Russian Language causing the error "setting layer_caption not found"
Version 4.2.2 SkyWood (28th February 2014)
- In case HTML5 Video Js Loads later then Meta of Video will not fire the Auto Play Option
- Changed update check. In some situations user will not see that a new update is available.
Version 4.2.1 SkyWood (27th February 2014)
- Fixed YouTube Api, changed youtube api load to permanent Https
- Fixed HTML5 Video Preload. A Waiting process added for Video JS and Stream preloads
- Fixed Vimeo API Preloads
- Fixed "Unclickable" Notice for Auto Updates and Premium Support
Version 4.2 SkyWood (25th February 2014)
- New Activation process added
- New Automatic Updates process added
- Added Char, Word and Line Based Text animation to improve the Visual Experience on the Layer Animations
- Added 5 Different Loader Spinner with Live Preview Selector
- Added a new Shortcode type. Now [rev_slider slider_alias] and also [rev_slider alias="slider_alias"] works.
- Added polish language thanks to Dawid Dudek (
- Meta Box for RevSlider now available in all Custom Post Types
- Added remove Thumbnail in Slide Editor
- Added white-space, maxwidth and maxheight options
- Improved Loading Speed. Slider loads over 1-2 sec quicker than before.
- Improved Lazy Loading, to load Images and Layer images on demand. Intelligent Preloading of next slide Elements.
- Removed function mysql_insert_id() that will be deprecated in php version 5.5.x
- Auto Thumbnail Function, small copy of Slider Image, or Colorer BG used as Default.
- Fixed YouTube Api
- CSS editor bugfix where custom styles were set into other choosen layers
- Added missing argument for WPML, this enables WPML functionality in using the specific post feature
- Small adjustment for css editor that caused problems on some installations
- Check if ssl on external jquery library & css include
- Fixed Overlapping layers if Mixed Align Mode used in Slide
- Fixed Pause/Resume function if Navigation elements has been hovered.
- MultiSite Style Settings - Minor Workaround added till next Major Release
Version 4.1.5 SkyWood
- Added Chinese translation thanks to lastme (
- Removed function mysql_insert_id() that will be deprecated in php version 5.5.x
Version 4.1.4 SkyWood
- ID, Class, Title & Rel attribute for Links on images added
- Added files so that google does not index internal files
- German language files recreated
- instead of a fatal error, the none existence of ZipArchive will now give a more gently message
Version 4.1.3 SkyWood
- Imported images through slider import create now also the thumbnails
- stripslashes problem in global styles at slider imports fixed
- multisite import of slider now correctly imports images
- selecting thumbnails/video overlays now work on multisites
Version 4.1.2 SkyWood
- Deleting Posts inside a Post Slider will now trash instead of deleting them
- Fixed a z-index issue where the-events-calendar set the jquery-ui-dialog overlay over the Slider Revolution Dialogs
- Http / Https loading of API’S in the right format depending on the current URL
- Issue solved with the HTML5 Video Sizing
- YouTube Api does not work without the origin=http://yourdomain any more !!
- The slider adds this now automatically on every YouTube video.
- NOTE: Please note that this only works on live servers and not local installations.
- For example: autoplay will not work on local machines but on your live servers
Version 4.1.1 SkyWood
- New API Method: rev redraw for Redrawing the current Slide in case, slider is included some animated container.
- New tab in Slider Settings: Reset Options.
- Reset all Transitions of this Slider to a choosen one
- Reset all Transition Durations of this Slider to a choosen one
- New Dropdown on Post/Pages for revslider Shortcodes (found in Visual mode of Editor)
- New button in Slide Edit mode to go back to Slide List of Slider
- Remove of Aspect Ratio and Dotted Overlay if Cover was not choosen in HTML5 Videos
- Fixed a bug on import of Slider where custom arrows might break
- Fixed a bug for Missing static-layers.css
- Fixed FF and IE10 Animation issues
- Fixed Wrong calculated Center positions if Caption has CSS3 Animations associated
Version 4.1 SkyWood
- Ken Burns Effect (align start/end) bg Fit (start/end), Speed and easing
- Min Height for Fullscreen Sliders
- Fullscreen HTML5 Videos with new functions
- Cover the whole HTML5 Videoscreen (no black borders)
- Dotted overlays on HTML5 Videos with cover & slide backgrounds
- Dotted Overlay on Background Images (global setting)
- Mute option on Videos
- Force Rewind of Videos on slideview
- Fallback to old export if zip extension is not installed on server
- Post meta tag fix for plugin: Types - Complete Solution for Custom Fields and Types
Version 4.0.6 SkyWood
- Force Fullwidth Offsets
- Added FF Protection for 3d Animated Elements
- Update GreenSock Engine with Protection for FF25 Animations
- IE8 HALO Effect Solved
Version 4.0.5 SkyWood
- New Background-Image options in slider settings under Appearance Tab
- Usage of placeholder %link% and %meta:somemeta% for Slide Link in General Slide Settings
- Added fallback for dynamic-layers.css (if not writable, load layers.php instead)
- Fixed a bug where no layers could be added to Slides
- Fixed a bug where Post Sliders do not show the correct thumbnails in navigation
- Fixed a few texts for better multilanguage support
Version 4.0.4 SkyWood
- inserted two missing functions
Version 4.0.3 SkyWood
- the option Responsive Through All Levels in layers is now checked as default
- set default background-position of main slide image to center top
- bug in interpreting the css fixed
- fixed a bug that occures on some video layers and that may brake the edit slide page
- fixed a bug with Post Sliders not being shown with the template Slider styles
Version 4.0.2 SkyWood
- WPML was not working correctly, fixed "Wrong Request" bug
Version 4.0.1 SkyWood
- add revision to css/js files to prevent caching issues
Version 4.0 SkyWood
- New Live Style Editor (Simple and Advanced)
- Custom Caption Creator
- Live Caption Animation Viewer in Editor
- Export Feature (with Images and Static/Dynamic Styles and with Custom Animations)
- New Main Image Aligns, Repeating and Sizing (like center,center, repeat-x,y,no, cover and container and many more)
- New Layout Viewer ( to see differences between, fullwidth, fullscreen, custom)
- Only Styles are loaded which used in Current Slides
- template slider for post slider added
- allow external images as slide backgrounds
- new options for videos
- many other new options added
- added relpace url's neer export / import slider
- new options for hiding thumbs/bullets/arrows on mobile
- new option force fill width in autoresponsive mode
- id, class, rel tag can be set for each element
- alt tag for images can be set
- layers can now be locked
- layer images can now be resized
- Added new Flat Transitions
- Added FullScreen and FullWidth Forcing in Boxed Themes
- Added Thumbnail for Videos
- Tooltip for Titles
- Shadow Prelayouts
- Move Tabs to Change Slide Order
- Published / Unpublished Slides also Date / Time Dependent
- Loop and Controlless HTML5 Videos
- Play Video only First Time, then Hold
- Linear Resizing of Thumbs
- Unlimited Containers for Offsetting Fullscreen Height
- Style of Backend in Flat Style
- Much cleaner interface
- Load Plugins and Revolution Slider splitter, dependent on Other Plugins
- Jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js loads now in the footer (Optional)
- Main transitions are now listed in flat and premium transitions
- many small/mayor bug fixes
- added error messages on some situations in slider by post view.
- fixed css bug that made the screens overlap with wordpress error messages
- fixed image positioning in edit layers js file
- fixed images url's output in https websites